Chronicler: Julien McBain
Q4 2018 Minutes
Shire of Panther Vale
East Kingdom
- We now have Two Deputy Seneschals
- Richard
- Judi
- Herald resigned
- Julien McBain new Herald
- Official Device registration in process
- According to the College of Heralds, was not received and is being resent
- Birka
- Curia at Birka for Seneschals
- Available on Seneschals page
- Awards given
- Loren–Order of the Silver Rapier, 12th Night
- Tiberius–Order of Courtesy, Crown Tournament 3 Nov
- Webminister’s Report
- Adding a marshalite page with all of the Marshals listed
- Who is going to need Author Access (contact Webminister if you need)
- Looking for content, photos, articles, etc.
- Member’s page or Domesday Book
- Contact form embedded in website?
- Utilizing the EK Wiki
- Adding populace pages to the EK wiki
- Who is the calendar for?
- Compliance issue only
- Officer’s page
- Preference for how they’re listed
- Seneschal, Exchequer, then others
- How should minutes be posted? (In conjunction with Office of Chronicler)
- Will activate news function
- How should minutes be written was addressed
- Issues of attaching specific offices or names
- Rules regarding how Exchequer reports will be addressed in minutes
- That report was done and accepted will be public
- Authorized expenditures will be listed
- Account balance shall not be listed for security purposes
- Minutes shall be distributed to all great officers for review
- Seneschal
- Exchequer
- Herald
- Knight Marshal
- And Deputies
- Once reviewed, will be published to the website
- Request for feedback was made
- Shire Library of articles suggested
- Schola–Studium Generale
- 12 Instructors with 30 hours of programming
- Still organizing the event space
- Classes start at 9 and conclude at 5
- Space allocation
- Upper floor has large open, central area
- Maker’s space
- Large room at back of building
- Leaving some space open for patterning and dayboard
- There is comfy sitting at bottom of stairs for socializing between classes
- Official date 23 March
- Possible set up as “Class” an A&S display space
- Looking for volunteers
- Gate
- Keep time
- Electronic payment as an option for troll
- Utilizing EK website Electronic payment systems
- Discussing whether or not to use the new payment system
- Due to Logistics, attempting use at Panteria has been tabled
- Will test at smaller events, TBD
- Panteria
- Autocrat attended via teleconference
- Will be Royal Progress
- No Championship will be held
- Discussion of how this affects the purse tabled pending information
- Finalizing Entry fee and other considerations
- Assuming the gate of 300, average for RP events
- Assuming bunks sold out
- Assuming limit of 200 for meal plan
- Expected revenues, expenses, fees for gate, day, meal plan and bunks discussed.
- Budget has room for comped volunteers for high-need areas
- People that work the whole event don’t pay
- WIFI on site restricted to Staff and Merchants
- General Theme for event
- Large Anglo-Saxon feast at Pennsic
- Would like to practice at Panteria
- Dragon or Dragon Hunt
- Easy to incorporate both in a Dragon Theme and not violate a general period feel
- The Hunt
- Works for kids too
- Utilizing the idea of seeking things
- Incentives for Peers to attend
- Methods to grow the event
- Discussion with Department Heads
- Panteria Meetings need to be scheduled
- Meetings for event are happening regularly, but as they are mundane are being held privately
- Beautification and infrastructure for the event must be addressed
- Large Anglo-Saxon feast at Pennsic
- Exchequer’s Report
- Report was made
- Budgetary earmarks were addressed
- No 4th Quarter Expenses to Report
- Mini meeting regarding what is needed for infrastructure to be held at or prior to Yule
- Craft night to be utilized
- Projects for the event should be handled as soon as possible
- Need to make a list
- MOAS Report
- Looking to do a monthly A&S meeting once Schola is over
- Tabled until after Schola
- Please speak with her if you want to teach something
- Possibility of putting up survey for people to submit suggestions to MOAS
- Private space available at Birka if Shire business comes up
- Equestrian Report
- Laura is an MIT
- Looking for a Marshal for official practices
- Linda is Marshal, if available
- Requesting monies for insurance policy
- Motion made
- Seconded and passed
- Lost Tip
- Needs Autocrat
- Continue event?
- Next meeting
- 27 April at Farnsworth
- Includes cleanup work for Panteria
- 10-4
- Meeting does not begin until after work on cleanup is over
Meeting Closed at 1500