Chronicler: Aurelia Colleoni a’Buccafurno
Sunday, July 11, 2021
In attendance: Laura, Margaret, Sigrid, Edward, Aelinor, Zofia, Aurelia, Alida, Tib, Vopiscus, Shioban, Rosaline
- Seneschal notes from Kingdom
- Re-opening
- Lists with contact tracing, kept for 60 days
- Can’t do food at events still (packaged food is okay, no buffets)
- Practices:
- Starting practices again in Hardwick, VT. Tib will develop a safety plan to send to the kingdom, as per rules. Heavy, fencing, combat archery.
- Master Gwen wants to start a practice in Springfield.
- Aurelia will be purchasing a punch test kit for the Shire (cost $65). The motion passed to purchase.
- We will also purchase a heavy list gauge or two to go with the heavy list equipment. Tib will purchase.
- Craft Nights:
- Rosaline will be starting up again in August.
- The Pickle – Siubhan will call Ivan to discuss a time to do inventory of the Pickle.
- Fencing lists need to be redone.
- Signs need to be worked on. Not green with yellow, for better visibility. Maybe a work day to work on them?
- New officers
- Chatelaine: Margaret will be interim until the end of the year when the position is up for voting. Laura will be deputy chatelaine once her term as seneschal is up.
- Gold key: Needs new storage containers for garb. Laura will get some new storage tubs (up to $100).
- Chatelaine: Margaret will be interim until the end of the year when the position is up for voting. Laura will be deputy chatelaine once her term as seneschal is up.
- Review of VT Renaissance Faire
- Faire was accommodating with space, easy going. Twelve people participated in the demo.
- Siubhan will purchase a carport for future demos and events.
- Faire was accommodating with space, easy going. Twelve people participated in the demo.
- Fall Championship event planning
- Julian is running the event. He is proposing that it is not a championship, but instead a Fall event, because people either might not have enough notice or not be authorized, etc. The rules still say that we cannot have camping at events as of this moment. He is planning on having it at his house.
- October 2, 2021: Panther Vale Homecoming
- $5 – membership discount
- Julian is running the event. He is proposing that it is not a championship, but instead a Fall event, because people either might not have enough notice or not be authorized, etc. The rules still say that we cannot have camping at events as of this moment. He is planning on having it at his house.
- Non-binding Polling results and comments
- See breakdown at the end of minutes
- Because we have a majority of people who responded positively for taking steps to become a Barony, we can start doing the homework to make steps to becoming a barony for the next year or so, since we have no time limit to do so.
- Yule
- Rosaline is autocratting Yule.
- Jan. 15, 2022
- We are considering the same place we hosted it last time: Tracy Hall/Norwich Congregational Church. There were a few issues, including the limited area in the room we used to eat.
- Panteria 2022 planning
- Girl Scouts still have our deposit from two years ago.
- Aethelhawk will make the menu and have Sigrid and Mike run the kitchen.
- We have 7 walkie talkies.
- Seneschal
- Autocrat
- Dep
- Parking
- Troll
- Horses
- Parking 2nd Friday night
- Other issues for next time:
- The next Business meeting will be in the North at Tib and Kris’ house: 3138 Duck Pond Rd, Barton, VT 05822, United States
- Studium Generale
- Recruiting opportunities
- Panther Vale communication strategies
- Newsletter
- Mail Chimp
- Mailing list
- Collecting emails at demos?
Polling for Change of Status of Panther Vale
I, Amarie de St Denis, modernly known as Amanda Brizendine, hold the office of East Kingdom Branch Polls Deputy USA.
I have counted the ballots for the Polling for the Change in Status for Panther Vale in the East Kingdom and report as follows:
- 0 Invalid due to no signature, legal name, or selection
- 2 Under 14 years of age
- 1 Over 14 and abstained
- 19 Over 14
Total Count: 22
Total Sent: (unknown)
- I agree: 14
- I do NOT agree: 5