Greetings All,

Here is the agenda for this Saturday’s meeting. If you need me to add anything please let me know. I am hoping to keep the meeting to an hour or less so we can get ready for Wassail Tavern.


December 30, 2023, 12 pm
Location: Discord and Barre


  1. Review of Meeting Minutes From Last Meeting
  2. Officer Updates
    1. Seneschal
      • Branch Status Change Update
      • Deputy
    2. MOL
    3. Herald/Social Media Officer
    4. Webminister
    5. Chatelaine
      • Welcome Þorbeorn 
      • Summer Renfaire moved to Essex- Leo
    6. Knight Marshal
    7. MOAS
    8. Exchequer
      • 2024 Budget Vote
  3. Events
    1. Panteria (May 24-27)
      • Needs Autocrat (Rina?)
    2. Possible 2024 events
    3. Demos
      • Orchard Valley Waldorf School May 2023 – more info in April
      • Renaissance Faire will be in Essex, Summer and Winter
    4. Newcomer’s Gathering
      • Do we want to have one this year? Maybe at the end of August?
  4. Additional Business
    1. Need to Replace the Pickle
    2. Need a team (2) to purchase
    3. Awards – if time allows
  5. Next Business Meeting
    1. Panteria
    2. Events?
    3. Practices
    4. Other gatherings

What say you?