Greetings Panther Vale,

It is finally time for the polling regarding our status change to Barony. 

The ballots should be going out in the mail around January 20th. I will announce when the ballots are mailed. You have just under 6 weeks to return your ballots, March 1st. Every paid member 14 and over can vote.

If you are a paid member and do not receive a ballot, please let me know so I can get you a ballot.

In Service to the Dream, 

Mistress Siubhan Wallace, OP
Seneschal, Panther Vale

If you need to refresh your memory, we posted information about the process in July 2020:

A committee has been exploring the idea of turning Panther Vale from a shire into a barony. They have put together a detailed document outlining what that would mean for officers, equipment and events, and compare requirements for shires, provinces and baronies.

Why do this? For some time now, Panther Vale’s status as a shire has meant that its skilled citizens can only receive so much recognition for their hard work. By achieving barony status we can grant that recognition, and relieve some of the burden of travel on the Kingdom royals and the awardees themselves. Becoming a Barony affords us the right to recognize those who deserve it but can’t travel to kingdom-level events.

Working towards becoming a barony will mean we need to work together. This is an exciting time for the Shire.

What say you?