Greetings one and all!

Fiscal responsibility is key in any organization, more especially for a volunteer-run one like ours. Our way of doing this is twofold.

Our first method is the Financial Committee. The Financial committee meets at least quarterly to discuss and review policy as well as audit our books. The committee also meets as needed to vote on big expense requests: typically anything that exceeds a department’s non-event annual budget must first be submitted and approved by the committee.

In the coming weeks, the Financial Committee will be looking to appoint a new Emergency Deputy Exchequer and to start the process of updating the signatories on our checking account to fall into compliance with Kingdom policy.

Second, the Exchequer must have, at the very least, an Emergency Deputy Exchequer. The Emergency Deputy Exchequer is in place in case something happens to the exchequer while they hold office. This position is not expected to be the current exchequer’s successor but rather a safety net so the books are always looked after. This person also serves as one of at least four signers to our checking account where each check is required to have two signatures to be valid.

At this time, I am seeking someone to serve in this capacity. If you are interested, please email me.


Lord Edward Talbot
Shire of Panther Vale

What say you?